Status "Completed" in Promo

If you added one or several promos to your account, but they quickly or in a short time had the status "Completed" - this means that the Instanobel service processed to all the users who were in this promo.

If you add a promo with fewer than 10,000 users, then the service will quickly process all users in this promo and promo will quickly have the status "Completed".

If you expose too many settings and filters for promotion, thereby greatly narrowing your target audience, the promo will also quickly display the status "Completed" because the service has already processed all users in these promos that fit the given parameters and settings.

Consider an example:
1. You promote a scooter store.
2. You added 4 promos to your competitors, each of which has no more than 4-5 thousand subscribers (the total amount of subscribers is 20,000)
3. In the settings you have:
  • Skip 10%
  • Night Pause
  • Max. Number of subscribers - 600
  • Max. Number of subscriptions - 500

4. You have included promotion and after 1-2 days of execution, your promo has the status of "Completed"

Why is this happening?

When adding a promo with a small number of users and too many settings - the service has too few users to work

The more you narrow down your TA for work, the less there are target accounts for the service.
Even if you add a promo in which 1.000.000 subscribers - but put out too many settings and filters, promo will have the status completed after a very short time.

Or if in the promo of 10.000 + users and many settings, the service can find no more than 1-5 eligible accounts from the list of users of this promo.

How to avoid the status of "Completed"?
Add a promo, in which from 10,000 users and more, if you are sure that there is 100% of your target audience
Do not add a promotion to the system again if it already had the status "Completed"

Do not set too many settings and filters, most accounts work fine with standard system settings.

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