Add target to get followers

Instagram bot works on targets that you specify to get real instagram followers. You can get followers who are related and interested into your business.

Before you start working with Instanobel read our advices. To get followers on instagram first you have to add target on Instanobel dashboard. Before adding new target you must read our tutorials. Also after you add new target you have to manage your targets.

For start you should add between 3-8 new targets.

Note: If you don’t add any target, Instanobel will not do any auto follow, auto like or auto comment.

Note: If you have lesser than 700 Followers at first you must turn off follow and comment on each target until you reach to over 700 Followers. How to turn off follow and comments can be read on targets management page.

Step 1

For starting add new targets and get followers you have to click on “Add Target”.

Image 4

Step 2

You should specify the type of your target.

  1. page: you can add instagram pages as new targets in Instanobel system.
  2. hashtag: you can add hashtags as new targets in Instalnobel system.
  3. location: you can add location as new targets in Instanobel system.
  4. targets: you can add as many pages or hashtags as you want with text file in Instanobel page.

Image 5

Step 3

You should manage your targets. One of important things is that you should care about your targets “Conversion (the success rate of target)”. if target success rate after 24 hours is lesser than 15 percent, delete the targets on dashboard and new targets.

Instanobel will start execution of promo operations max 20 minuts after you add the first target automatically.

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