
What is highest number of followers somebody got in a month using instanobel?

big start twins 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 10



Hi! We have customers, who got about 300 followers/day. But in month they got about 6000-7000 because they spent some time to unfollowing feature.


Hi! We have customers, who got about 300 followers/day. But in month they got about 6000-7000 because they spent some time to unfollowing feature.

Sorry, what do you mean by unfollowing feature? They were unfollowing people manually  that were 'followed' by your program? 

Instanobel unfollow automatically, but when it start unfollow - it can't follow at the same time. So Conversion rate is much lower at this time.

Oh I see! And what was the highest with the normal mode? (If for example I wouldn't want to unfollow myself) 

+200 new followers/day - is standart result, if you find and add good promo in your dashboard.

+350 - is very good result. Only about 5% of our customers had this result.

We do not have paypal in our country, Pakistan. I'd like to pay by my credit card. So?

I am on free trial now, want to see results, then go for a 30 day purchase.. but can pay by credit card only.

We accept only PayPal and Bitcoin. Sorry.